Thriving Eco City-Regions’ initiative aims to support the transition of urban areas in India to green, inclusive and resilient city-regions for all. We focus on informing policies, plans and projects towards transformative change and are committed to partnering with government officials and decisionmakers, the private sector, and civil society throughout this initiative. We will develop empirically driven research insights and spatial analysis, create multi-stakeholder forums for peer learning and collaborative action, strengthen local capacity and capability, and empower local stakeholders to be change makers. This ongoing initiative will provide valuable insights to inform India’s urbanization journey towards green, inclusive and resilient city-regions.
WRI India is working as a knowledge partner to Municipal Corporation of Jalandhar and Punjab Municipal Infrastructure Development Company. We are supporting interventions towards improving urban blue-green infrastructure, developing water sensitive urban design approaches and supporting local livelihoods. We are also building local capacity by empowering stakeholders to drive these initiatives forward.
WRI India is partnering with the Directorate of Urban Local Bodies, Government of Uttar Pradesh towards in developing more climate resilient policy and planning. Through our technical and knowledge support, we are assisting the government towards developing climate resilient infrastructure, enhancing state level storm water management and greening initiatives and ensuring sustainable planning for small cities.
WRI India team is supporting efforts being made by the Irrigation & Flood Control Department, Government of Delhi NCT towards river rejuvenation for Yamuna. By developing an integrated river management framework, ecosystem-based approaches can be implemented to enhance river’s flow regime and water quality in a targeted manner.
WRI India is working with Tamil Nadu State Land Use Research Board and State Planning Commission to study the peri urban areas and their growth patterns and develop sustainable urban management frameworks. This partnership will help in providing strategic insights towards effective management of current and future growth across the region.
WRI India is providing knowledge and technical assistance to the Srinagar Metropolitan Region Development Authority and Town Planning Organization Kashmir for building regional planning frameworks and developing local capacity and capability. We will be supporting regional planning efforts being undertaken for Jammu Metropolitan Region and Srinagar Metropolitan Region for 2047.
WRI India is working towards enhancing capacity and offering technical assistance and knowledge support to Bodoland Territorial Council for collaboratively devising a regional spatial strategy for the Bodoland Territorial Region. Given its unique location and high vulnerability to climate and environmental risks, this regional spatial strategy will help co-create a roadmap for Bodoland’s regional growth.